
题目:Millimetre Wave MIMO Channel Estimation using Overlapped Beam Patterns and Rate Adaptation
报告人:Dr. He CHEN,School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney.
This talk is concerned with the channel estimation problem in millimetre wave (mmWave) wireless systems with large antenna arrays. By exploiting the inherent sparse nature of the mmWave channel, we first propose a fast channel estimation (FCE) algorithm based on a novel overlapped beam pattern design. Compared to the existing non-overlapped beam pattern design, the overlap among multiple pilot beam patterns can increase the amount of information carried by each channel measurement and thus reduce the required channel estimation time. We develop a maximum likelihood (ML) estimator to optimally extract the path information from the channel measurements. Then, we propose a novel rate-adaptive channel estimation (RACE) algorithm, which can dynamically adjust the number of channel measurements based on the expected probability of estimation error (PEE). Simulation results show that the FCE algorithm significantly reduces the number of channel estimation measurements compared to the existing algorithms using non-overlapped beam patterns. By adopting the RACE algorithm, we can achieve up to a 6dB gain in signal energy-to-noise ratio for the same PEE compared to the existing algorithms.


He CHEN received the B.E. degree in communication engineering and the M.E. degree (by research) in communication and

 information systems both from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 2008 and 2011, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in

 electrical engineering from The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia in 2015. He is currently a research fellow at the School 

of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney. His current research interests include millimeter wave 

wireless communications, wireless energy harvesting and transfer, wireless network virtualization, cooperative and relay networks, 

as well as the applications of game theory, variational inequality theory and distributed optimization theory in these areas.

He was a recipient of Outstanding Bachelor Thesis of Shandong University, Outstanding Master Thesis of Shandong Province, 

International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS), Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), and Chinese Government Award 

for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. He is a Guest Editor of the 2016 special issue of millimeter wave wireless communications and 

 networks in Sensors, and an organizer and chair of Globecom 2016 workshop on wireless energy harvesting communication

 networks. He has been serving as a regular reviewer for 10 prestigious IEEE journals as well as the TPC members of several 

flagship IEEE conferences, such as Globecom and ICC

发布人:       最后修改日期: 2016-06-12 21:37:08.0
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