学术预告:High-Power Fiber Lasers – Thermal and Nonlinear Effects

TopicHigh-Power Fiber Lasers – Thermal and Nonlinear Effects
Speaker: Prof. Yong Wang
Time10:00 – 11:00AM, May 27, 2014
VenueThe 4F Meeting Room, School of ISE

SummaryThe thermal and nonlinear effects are known as major restrictions to fiber laser performance when scaling output power to a multi-kilowatt domain. In this talk, the detrimental thermal and nonlinear effects in high-power rare-earth-doped double-clad fiber lasers will be discussed, and some solutions to facilitate heat dissipation and to suppress nonlinear effects will be introduced.

发布人:       最后修改日期: 2014-05-23 21:17:35.0
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